The AFAS Falcon Assistance is intended for a more focused spectrum of emergency situations such as emergency financial help with rental or utility assistance. The AFAS Falcon Assistance may be requested for amounts up to $1,500 in the following categories:
- Rental and utility bill emergency assistance
- Food
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Vehicle Expenses (POV gas, car payment, car insurance, car repair)
- Emergency Medical and Dental Expenses
- Child Care Expenses

AFAS Falcon Assistance is a streamlined process to provide Active Duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members an expedited financial assistance process whereby a budget is usually not required, and the assistance amount cannot exceed $1,500. Note: source documents such as lease agreements, utility bills, etc. may be requested for completion of your application.
Falcon Assistance was created as a complement to AFAS Standard Assistance. Receiving a Falcon Assist does not make an Airman or Guardian ineligible to receive Standard Assistance if another financial emergency occurs while working to repay a Falcon Assist. For more on AFAS Emergency Loan and Grant information please view Which Loan Is Right For Me page.
Who is eligible?
- Active Duty Air Force and Space Force personnel
- Including spouses with valid Power of Attorney when service member is away from duty base
- Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel actively participating in AFRES/ANG
- Falcon Assistance is only available to service members who do NOT have an existing outstanding loan balance with AFAS
How To Apply
You may apply for Falcon Assistance by visiting our online application portal: https://portal.afas.org
You may be required to confidentially discuss the source of financial trouble with an AFAS caseworker, as part of the application process. Applicants are required to upload the front and back of their military ID card, end of month Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) and may be required to provide statements for requested items (I.e., phone bill, utility bill or car payment, etc.). NOTE: AFAS assistance is provided for the exact amount of the bill. Applicants should not round up and amounts are rarely exactly $1500.
Once you submit an application for assistance, please allow 24-72 hours, depending on the nature of the emergency, to receive a response from an AFAS Emergency Assistance Caseworker.
Falcon Assistance Repayment
AFAS provides emergency assistance and education support to Air Force and Space Force families in the form of interest-free loans and grants.
Falcon Assistance is repaid within 2-15 months and is repaid within member’s current ETS. All Active-duty personnel will repay Falcon Assistance by allotment. Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members will repay loans through ACH Authorization directly from their bank account and Title 10 USC AFRES/ANG personnel will also complete the ACH Authorization Form in the event an allotment cannot be started.