Our Events

AFAS is proud and honored to be part of two important Air Force related events each year: The Air Force Assistance Fund and the USAF Charity Ball. Together, these events raise a tremendous amount of charitable support for our Airmen.


Air Force Assistance Fund

The Society is one of four affiliates of the Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF). the annual fund drive, which is run within the USAF, includes solicitation on behalf of AFAS. AFAF is the primary source of donor dollars to the society and embodies the ideal of Airmen helping Airmen, the singular philosophy on which AFAS was founded.


The Air and Space Forces Charity Gala

The Air and Space Forces Charity Gala is an annual event that was started in 2004. That year, the Air Force Officers’ Spouses’ Club (AFOSC) at Bolling Air Force Base created a special committee to host a charity gala to benefit the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), the official charity of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force.