One Airman’s spouse looks forward to a new career in psychology made possible by AFAS

Airman First Class Seth Brown comes from a military family. His dad served in the Navy, his mom served in the Army, and A1C Brown himself served in the Army when he was younger. Then he moved to the Air Force two years ago, and he’s been a part of the Air Force family since. 

Being a part of the family includes being eligible for education grants. A1C Brown’s wife, Jacquelyn, learned of the General Henry “Hap” Arnold Grant, a centerpiece of Air Force Aid Society’s education support. After 10 years in one career, Jacquelyn was ready for a change. And the Hap Arnold grant from AFAS gave her the extra incentive to make her move.

Not wanting to take on debt to return to school, the Hap Arnold Grant allowed Jacquelyn to start a new degree without the added financial stress of student loans. Jacquelyn explains that the grant “truly was the deciding factor in my returning to school,” she explains. 

Jacquelyn wants everyone to know about the opportunities that the Society can provide to other spouses of Airmen. “I decided to return to school after wanting to change career fields for many years,” she explains. With the support of her husband and because of the grant, she’s finally able to make this change.

Jacquelyn thanks the generous AFAS donors for giving her “an opportunity that I would otherwise not be afforded.” Grateful for the opportunity, she’s also excited about her new career. “Being able to get a degree in a field that I’m interested in so that I can find employment that I enjoy…means the world to me,” she adds.

Now in her program for psychology, Jacquelyn stays busy studying and finding extra-curricular activities that will enhance her schooling experience.

The Air Force Aid Society is the official charity of the U.S. Air Force and has been meeting the unique needs of Airmen and their families since 1942. AFAS works to support and enhance the USAF mission by providing emergency financial assistance, educational support, and community programs. Since 2008, AFAS has provided more than $215 million in direct support to Air Force families. Visit to learn more, apply for assistance or to donate.